Tuesday 19 July 2016

Mobile-friendly website is a new buzzword in the e-commerce world. Opening websites over laptop or desktop has become passé. Of late, tech-savvy generation prefers everything at its fingertips, and easy availability of affordable smartphones has fulfilled their dream. If sources are to be believed, number of people accessing internet via smartphone is increasing on year-on-year basis. Other statistics like over 50% of mobile users rely on smartphones for finding products’ details further stress the importance of mobile-friendly websites. Due to increase in number of mobile users and mobile browsing, e-commerce companies relying greatly on web-responsive websites as running non- web responsive websites is a clear indication of loss of sale and revenue.

Some other reasons which compel business owners to build mobile friendly websites for their e-commerce businesses are:

M-commerce Replacing E-commerce – As mentioned above, sources say over 50% of smartphone’s users use mobile devices as key tools for browsing the internet. Moreover, over 60% of users move over other websites if they do not find any particular website mobile-friendly. So, when customers are finding services via mobile, business owners are under compulsion to sell them via mobile-responsive websites to stay afloat in the market.

Mobile Websites are Google’s Favourites- Google announced “Google Mice Update” on April’2015 in which it said that mobile-friendly websites will get better search engine rankings than non-compatible mobile websites. Reason being, responsive web design uses single URL and HTML, which Google spiders find it easy to crawl, regulate, index and organise content. Additionally, in mobile responsive websites, as content resides on single URL making it easier for users to share, link and engage with the content. Furthermore, mobile-websites respond better and are easier to update. Moreover, when Google announces any update, marketers are bound to follow as it controls lion’s share of the search market.

Social Media Updates via Mobile Devices – People prefer to use social media websites over mobiles rather than on desktop or laptop. It is due to this reason that majority of traffic over social media websites come through mobile app. So, if you are running any social marketing campaigns and your website is not mobile-friendly, it indirectly implies loss of customers, sales and revenue.

Better Customer Engagement- Mobile-friendly websites loads swiftly and offers user-friendly navigation to customers, thereby offering them satisfying user-experience. And it goes without saying when users are satisfied, it leads to better engagement of customers and creation of brand value in the online market.  

So, regardless of your business domain, mobile friendly website is a successful mantra for surviving in the cut throat online business completion. If you are looking for m-commerce service provider, Kartmagic is the company to look forward. The e-commerce/m-commerceplatform acts as one stop solution provider for building customers’ online stores. It also offers digital marketing solutions catering to varying business requirements. So, think about creating a mobile store by availing cost-effective services offered by Kartmagic now.


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