Wednesday 4 February 2015

Creating an online store can be a cumbersome process. There are many ecommerce solutions that are available which provide ecommerce development in India. Kartmagic is one reliable shopping cart development platform which eases the process of online store creation to a great extent.

Now that you have created an online store. You are now ready to take on the world with the future of ecommerce, let's discuss how you can increase the traffic to your online store and, in turn, multiply your sales.

The steps are simple and basic and are majorly overlooked by many business owners who have startups with customer base in social media.

Check these out.

1. Simple Checkout.

"Simplicity is the ultimate form of Sophistication." - Leonardo Da Vinci.

Make your ecommerce shopping cart as simple as possible. Make the checkout with as less clicks as possible. There are many articles written on ecommerce which show the importance of having your potential customers click few pages from the point of interest to the point of checkout.

Keep it as simple as possible and this will make them come for more. Kartmagic offers Simple one page checkout process with log-in facility to reduce drop rate. Customers can also add extra instructions with order.                      

2. Engage, Engage, Engage.

Engagement with the customers is the lifeline of any online business. Before deploying your ecommerce store, think of the main reason why should your customers be hooked onto you. If they are spending any money on your store, what value are they getting in return.

Make your store as enticing and captivating that once a customer visits your store, they keep coming back for more. If you are spending so much on getting traffic on your ecommerce site, make sure it’s exciting enough for the users to come again and again. The Social Media Integration feature provided by Kartmagic gives an interactive platform for consumer engagement for your ecommerce store.

3.         Use Videos more than Images.

This can’t be simpler. With the advent of Video Marketing and now Facebook emphasizing on videos as advertising tools, you need to take advantage of the video descriptions rather than images. Recently, Facebook launched video ads for business and these ads are preferred over the standard image-based ads.

Creating a video is not that difficult. Just get hands on any DSLR Camera and a good video editing software like the iMovie or Final Cut Pro. Get creative and start shooting.

4.  Create Facebook Ads

Now, you are all setup to create your Facebook ad campaign. From the various objectives, choose the objective to Get Video Views. Target your ideal customers on “interests” or “behaviors”. Choosing behaviors will target the users that are active and interact with the market you’re targeting. One amazing behavior characteristics you’ll see when you are creating the Facebook Ad is “Online Spenders, Online Spenders (Active), Online Spenders (Engaged)”. Ride on these metrics to drive great traffic to your site.

Launch your Ad campaign with 250Rs. per day for five days to see how the responsiveness of the campaign. As you get more traffic on your store keep increasing the budget for the campaign as per your need to create a good inflow of traffic to your ecommerce website.

So, go ahead and create your own ecommerce shopping store using Kartmagic, the best Ecommerce solution in India. Know more about the pricing here.

Please share how you have increased the traffic inflow to your ecommerce shopping cart. Thanks and Happy Incoming :)


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