Wednesday 4 February 2015

The holiday season is just around the corner with Christmas and New Year coming up. And while we are at it, we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. This is a time for people to celebrate their holidays with their loved ones, friends and families. This holiday season is surely the busiest time of the year for the businesses.

This is the time when people want to shop for themselves and their friends and family. Cyber Mondays, Black Fridays and Great Online Shopping Festival; all are great times to capitalize the market and get your revenue registers ticking. But the Holiday Season promises to be a great time as consumers like to spend and you, as online retailers, love that they spend.

So, here are some tips to optimize your Online Store and marketing strategies for increasing sales on your Online Store:

      1.      Dress your Online Store in the Holiday Spirit:

Make sure you optimize your online store to be in sync with the Holiday Spirit. Keep it jolly and Happy. Make the User Experience (UX) as exciting for the users so that it uplifts their spirits up and they end up shelling some bucks for your guys. After all, this is the season of celebration and it should reflect in the Online Store as well.

Kartmagic’s new Holiday Themes will surely be helpful in creating the desired mood for the audience. Keep them captivated and they will make you rich ;)

      2.      Offers and Discounts on your Website:

Hurray! It’s a season of celebration. So, why not give some offers and discounts for the consumers to come and avail those discounts. Make sure the offers and discounts that you are giving away are on the front page and for that matter, why not design a new landing page giving out your happiness and the celebration vibe. 

      3.      Share the offers on Social Media:

Social Media has always been the best in spreading the word out. Share your Holiday Offers and Discount Coupons via Social Media. Make sure to create eye catching graphically rich content with simple yet elegant layouts. Don’t forget to use Instagram and Pinterest as they utilize only visual content. Instagram recently surpassed Twitter in terms of number of users, with 300mn monthly active users. As you know Sharing is Caring, let your employees spread word about your offers in their own networks too.

      4.      Advertise:

Consider spending in Pay-Per-Click Advertising. Pay-per-click advertising is a great way to drive prospective customers to your Online Store. Advertising can be done on Google, Bing, Facebook, Twitter and others, and target your customers to your store. Also, try using some A/B split test advertising to check what’s working and what’s not.

      5.      Mobile Compatible:

There is a very thin line of difference between ecommerce and mcommerce. Today, more and more customers are buying stuff of their mobile phones. Is your website mobile compatible? Does it have a responsive design? If your store looks great on the desktop and totally turns off the customers in the mobile realm, the whole purpose is lost. Above all, they have a great user experience with your website – be it phone, tablet or desktop.

      6.      Great Customer Support:

All businesses run on customers and a great customer support is what keeps you ahead. Be sure to be accessible, via mail or phone or even social media. Reply, engage and heed to your customers feedbacks. Customers like to be taken seriously, and with an impeccable customer support, you can seriously crush the competition and gain this holiday season.

How are you taking advantage of this Holiday Season?


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