Tuesday 9 August 2016

If you are running an online business, “social media marketing” would not be an alien phrase for you. Although, there is a possibility that you may not aware about it completely like why it is done and what are its benefits to the business. So, this descriptive guide will help you in understanding one of the latest fads of online world.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is contemporary form of marketing in which company’s products and services are promoted using different forms of social media, which is usually accessible by phone or by web. This kind of marketing strategies encompasses different elements of social interfaces which vary from word to image. Social customer service and community management are key ingredients of successful social media marketing strategies. In this marketing, social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, YouTube, etc., are used. Social bookmarking sites, reviews on rating web sites, virtual 3D networks, etc., are few other channels used by social media managers for promoting companies products and services.

Alarming Facts Related to Social Media

Some of the facts related to social media paint crystal clear image that how social media is gaining popularity in online business world.

  1. At social media sites, there are 2.3 billion active users out of which as per first quarter of 2016, Facebook has worldwide 1.65 million active users.
  2. 91% of retail brands employ more than 2 social media channels for promoting their business.
  3. Every day, approx 1 million new, active and mobile social media users are added.
  4. In 2015, 38% of organisations prefer to spend over 20% of total advertising budget on social media channels.
  5. Social media is considered as one amongst top 3 for content marketing tactics.
  6. LinkedIn experienced growth of over 100% between 2011 and 1013.
Benefits of Using Social Media

Primarily, it is crucial to understand that social media marketing differs from traditional marketing methods like magazine advertisements, commercials on television, etc. Traditional form of marketing is not audience specific and non-interactive in nature. On the contrary, social media is audience specific marketing and tries to establish interactive relationship with its target audience.
Some other benefits of using social media for both large and small medium enterprises are discussed below:

  • Social media channels act as new voice and content for company’s brand. They help in establishing new relationships with prospective customers and increase its brand recognition amongst existing customers.
  • It has been observed that brands, which remain associated with social media channels, enjoy higher brand loyalty. It is because these channels are interactive, thus customers feels more satisfied and contented by making purchase from such brands.
  • Every post, tweet or video you share on social media channels gives customers a chance to react and interact. Although, not every interaction leads to successful conversion, every positive interaction actually increases the chances of conversion in future stages. So, it can be said that through these channels, the opportunities to covert suspects into prospects always remain high.
So, after reading the post, you must get idea about the world of social media. Stay with us for gathering more information about social media marketing!

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